

So today was my first go with home made WINDEX (Ive been making laundry detergent for months lol, mistype!) and I think that it turned out great. It was definitely the easiest and the cheapest out of all of my recipes. The next thing I am going to be adding to my blog is a monthly home project section! Since we just finished up our bedroom overhaul I need to think of some other creative ways to make our house into us.. Youll find that section up top, starting with my bedroom. Also, don't forget to check out, Pretty in Pink! :)

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The Aquarium!

Yesterday was my Brenna's first trip to the aquarium and when I was loading these pictures these were a few that stuck out to me! I love how to her the whole world revolves around what we are doing in that second. While we were there, to her, the only thing that existed anymore was her and the sharks! Oh and Nemo. Since the entire trip was a scene from Finding Nemo for her, she searched the entire aquarium yelling for Nemo, until we finally found the clown fish!
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Blog Beginnings!

Okay, now lets hope that I got this whole thing down! At least enough that it is up and running. I'm very excited to share my new projects, scrapbooking, and DIY stuff with everyone. In a tough economy being thrifty and willing to put the time and energy into making things yourself makes all the difference in having the things you want, or not. I try to make a lot of the products used around the house, and found that it is a very big money saver! Along with my projects I am also going to be sharing my online boutique, Pretty in Pink. On top of ALL that I am also going to be sharing my family and some of my favorite memories together! Feel free to comment, pin, and share anything on my page! I can't wait to get started! :)
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