

Thank you, Jesus. Only 8 days left until I officially change my status from full time working mom to full time SAHM!!! WOO WOO!! I think I can, I think I can.. The idea is when I stop working I can devote more time to blogging, but we will see if Hudson and Brenna agree. I just started a new journey into at home-ness.. CLOTH DIAPERS! Head on over to my cloth diaper page and see what all the fuss is about! :) 

Clearly since the last time I posted, I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. He was and still is absolutely perfect. He was born February 8th at 12:30 PM. Weighed in at 7 lbs 14 oz and was 21.5 inches long! Now he's a little over 3 months a whopping 16 lbs AT LEAST and amazing. :)

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30 weeks!

Yesterday marked 30 weeks! WOW! It's hard to believe that our new baby boy will be here in just 2 short months. My stomach feels like he should be here tomorrow though, Im not sure how much more stretching it can take.

How I'm feeling; stretched to the max! EXHAUSTED! My back feels like it is breaking into 100 pieces, daily. Oh and did I mention hungry? I swear I could eat from the second I roll out of bed, literally. Until I roll back in! And it's unhealthy food too, so I feel awful about it. :(

Baby: WONDERFUL! Placenta is perfect, Hudson is perfect.. Oh did I mention he's gotta be a linebacker in the making. He's huge! I feel him from the bottom of my ribs to the bottom of, you know where. Plus he punches and kicks like no ones business.

Growth: Im up to 135 lbs, woah. Hudson weighed in at about 3 lbs at our last ultrasound, so hopefully he's about 3.5 now! Oh and my boobs, WOAH! These things are now DDs, yeah I use to be an A. Gee Wiz. Lets hope I drop these pounds quickly!

Baby To Do List: Pack hospital bags, install car seat, purchase car seat cover (blanket), get diaper bag organizing bags, buy Hudson a few more outfits, pacifiers, and snuggled for inside of car seat!

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20 weeks

20 weeks pregnant!

October 10, 2012; Wow, its hard to believe that we are half way through this pregnancy. It has absolutely flown by! Now the hard work begins with finishing up our joint nursery/toddler room and preparing our lives for baby number two! 

How I'm feeling: Surprisingly, fabulous! Of course I would love to not feel like 1000 pounds when I hit the sheets, but exhaustion is a small price to pay in the grand scheme of pregnancy symptoms! OH! And I can finally feel baby Hudson kicking and stretching and sometimes just punching my insides. This is what I've been waiting for since June, really feeling pregnant. and It's amazing. :)

OB appointment; We went to our last appt with our midwife at 18 weeks and had a routine ultrasound. At this routine ultrasound we found out that our baby boy is growing perfectly, he has 10 fingers, 10 toes, and all the right organs to boot! But we also got some discouraging news, at this point he is laying completely sideways which if I was to deliver tomorrow would make a vaginal birth impossible. Which obviously, we are way too early to be delivering anything right now. But worse off, as of right now we have placenta previa. This is a fancy term for his placenta has grown into the bottom of the uterus, covering the cervix, apposed to the side or top which is ideal. Our midwife assured us that 90% of 20 week placenta previas correct themselves before the 28 week mark. If not, we will be seriously considering a c section. Not counting the fear of bleeding, bed rest, and pre term delivery that the nurse in my knows are not very likely, but the mommy in me is terrified of.  We will have another ultra sound towards the end of my second trimester, and if the placenta is still lying too low we will have another closer to our delivery date. 

Cravings; sweets and pot roast. Strange, I know.
Growth; I have gained 6 lbs which now puts me at 119. Baby is weighing in at a woping 1/2 lb!
Pre Baby to do list; hang decorations, hang curtains, finish covering roller shades with chocolate fabric, purchase stroller/carseat, purchase bouncy seat and playpen, find chandelier/fan combo that I like, purchase more clothes and diaper bag, big sister class for Brenna, and refresher birthing class for the hubby and myself. 

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For the last few months I have been on a much needed hiatus away from boutiquing and the majority of my crafting. Between working full time again, taking care of my family, and brewing up baby Matthew's number 2 my day is exhausting! Now that the summer is coming to a close I am more than ready for fall! I plan on posting lots of halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas crafts, food, and just fun ideas so stay tuned! :)

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So today was my first go with home made WINDEX (Ive been making laundry detergent for months lol, mistype!) and I think that it turned out great. It was definitely the easiest and the cheapest out of all of my recipes. The next thing I am going to be adding to my blog is a monthly home project section! Since we just finished up our bedroom overhaul I need to think of some other creative ways to make our house into us.. Youll find that section up top, starting with my bedroom. Also, don't forget to check out, Pretty in Pink! :)

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The Aquarium!

Yesterday was my Brenna's first trip to the aquarium and when I was loading these pictures these were a few that stuck out to me! I love how to her the whole world revolves around what we are doing in that second. While we were there, to her, the only thing that existed anymore was her and the sharks! Oh and Nemo. Since the entire trip was a scene from Finding Nemo for her, she searched the entire aquarium yelling for Nemo, until we finally found the clown fish!
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Blog Beginnings!

Okay, now lets hope that I got this whole thing down! At least enough that it is up and running. I'm very excited to share my new projects, scrapbooking, and DIY stuff with everyone. In a tough economy being thrifty and willing to put the time and energy into making things yourself makes all the difference in having the things you want, or not. I try to make a lot of the products used around the house, and found that it is a very big money saver! Along with my projects I am also going to be sharing my online boutique, Pretty in Pink. On top of ALL that I am also going to be sharing my family and some of my favorite memories together! Feel free to comment, pin, and share anything on my page! I can't wait to get started! :)
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